Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Critical Time...

I dislike both candidates. I'm not voting for Trump and I'm not voting for Clinton. I'm voting for America. As I posted a week or so ago:

"Ok here's how it is.

Neither Trump nor Clinton are good moral choices. Neither have the character we'd like to see in someone sitting in the Oval Office. If it was up to me, neither would be elected.

But one of them WILL be elected.

So what we have to do is put aside all this bickering about their character, cause NEITHER have character. Look at the issues at stake and choose the one you think will help our country the most.

May God have mercy on us."

The below article came to my attention today and it is an interesting read, whether you're for Trump or Clinton. The author is for Trump's POLICIES.obviously, but he makes some very interesting points:

"Since I find both candidates morally objectionable, I am back to the old-fashioned basis on which I have usually decided how to vote for my entire life: Whose policies are better? Do I agree more with Trump’s policies or with Clinton’s?"

"In a world affected by sin, voting for morally flawed people is unavoidable. Voting for the candidate you think will be best for the country (or do the least harm to the country) is not a morally evil action"

"Policy differences do ultimately determine the future of the nation."

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Open letter to the GOP

Y'all are being a bunch of dumb assess.

Especially the Republican "leadership".

Don't you realize that if Republicans don't UNITE, there will be another Clinton in the White House?

If that happens, the United States we know and love will be gone.

She will destroy our economy with huge taxes and massive regulation and expanding Obamacare.

She will endanger our homeland by kowtowing to Islam and enabling their terrorists to have unimpeded entrance to the US with her open border policies. She will be weak with Russia and China.

She will appoint young Supreme Court justices that will be on the bench for decades pushing through socialist decisions and shredding our Constitution and abridging our rights.

You may not like Trump. I know I don't. But if we don't get the Republican party back into the White House, then kids this country goodbye.

Here's how it is.

Neither Trump nor Clinton are good moral choices. Neither have the character we'd like to see in someone sitting in the Oval Office. If it was up to me, neither would be elected.

But one of them WILL be elected.

So what we have to do is put aside all this bickering about their character, cause NEITHER have character.  Look at the issues at stake and choose the one you think will help our country the most.

May God have mercy on us.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

My take on this Trump thing

Everyone deriding Trump over this tape from over a decade ago should have the past 15 years of their life analyzed. Every video, all audio, writings and actions to see if they've ever said or done anything inappropriate, publicly OR privately.

If they have, they should be removed from office or fired from their job. Further, it should be presented to any prospective future employer.

If we did that we'd have no politicians or media anymore. Sounds good to me.

Need I bring up the antics of the Kennedy's or Bill Clinton?

Using Hillary's logic, "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

Don't look at this as a defense of Trump. He has done and said some very crude things. I don't like him. I really wish the Republican party had been able to present someone less arrogant. I for one am tired of the same old lawyer politicians, so it's refreshing to have a non-lawyer or career politician running. I would have preferred Alan West or Ben Carson.

But Hilary wants to shred our Constitution, take our guns, bow to foriegn powers, destroy our economy, tax us to death and give our hard-earned money to people who won't work and illegal immigrants. (Government help, whatever form it takes should be for CITIZENS who are either physically or mentally unable to work or TEMPORARILY between jobs) and kill more babies. If you can't see that you have no concept of history or economics and are blind to what Hillary's agenda is.

Neither candidate is their party's best. But one candidate wants to turn this into the next socialist country (which makes no freaking sense at all since it had NEVER worked ANYWHERE). And one wants to make this country great again.

I don't like either candidate. But I'm voting Trump because I like my Constitutional liberties and my guns, I like getting at least 70% of my paycheck, and I like letting babies live.