Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is Obama a closet Muslim?

With his ties to so many things Islam, it's kinda hard not to suspect that Obama is a closet Muslim. Lots of these ties have been reported often in the media, from him having a Muslim father and going to an Islamic school in Indonesia (a predominantly Muslim country) to being supported by groups such as Hamas (see previous postings) and the Nation Of Islam.

Now I find he even has ties to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization).  Check out this article. (

So much controversy surrounds this guy. So many suspicious ties to shady characters. So many endorsements from and ties to terrorist organizations. Why are people turning such a blind eye to all this and holding this guy up like some messiah (see Louis Farrakhan's quote in previous post).

One of Islam's tactics in it's goal of world domination is to infiltrate quietly, silently become stronger, then take over. Is that what's happening? We already have our first Muslim in congress, swearing his oath on the Koran. Are we now about to vote in our first Muslim President, whether he'll admit to it or not?

Scary stuff.

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