Wednesday, April 4, 2012


It's going to be EXTREMELY interesting to see how this plays out.

Obama's (the dictator wannabe) comments:

And the court's response thus far:

Article. III.

Section. 1. The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish...

Section. 2.The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, ...

Update (4/5/12):
The Justice Department's letter has been released. It's fascinating. While saying essentially, "yes, we believe that the Court can review and uphold or strike laws enacted by Congress" it also seems to be saying, "but we fully expect that you wont. And you better not." It seems that the letter initially is backing the Court by saying "the power of the courts to review the constitutionality of legislation is beyond dispute" He then goes into this diatribe about how the Court defers to Congress and that the Court should only review "appropriate cases." He went on to say that laws passed by Congress are "presumptively constitutional" and "The President's remarks were fully consistent with the principles described here in."

Here's a copy of the letter.
Wow. This is really getting interesting. I really wish I could be a fly on the wall in the Supreme Court's back offices!

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