I have 3 main criteria I use to determine who I vote for.
1. Morality.
-I can not support anyone who's OK with killing babies. NO ONE has the right to take the life of an unborn baby. It's not a woman's right or anyone else's.
2. Fiscal Policy
-I have never worked for a poor person. Poor people don't employ other people. Every place I've ever worked, it has been for a successful business person or successful company. I can't support anyone that wants to punish success and make it harder for businesses to hire and retain employees. Further, I can't support someone that wants to redistribute the earnings of people who work hard for a living and give it to people that refuse to work and live off government handouts. I can't support someone who removes the work requirements from government assistance. I can't support someone that believes government spending and trillions of dollars in debt is the way to stimulate the American economy. Tax & Spend has never worked and never will. The way to improve employment conditions in the US is to make it EASIER for employers to hire, not harder! This will help both the middle class and help give the poor a boost by providing more jobs!
3. Foreign Policy
-I can not support anyone that does not support Israel. I can not support anyone that bows to other countries and apologizes for the United States of America being the greatest countries on earth. I can not support anyone who will stand by and allow evil to prosper on this planet.
I can't support anyone who's agenda is to destroy this country. To lower it to the status of countries like Cuba and Venezuela. Instead, we need to work to help raise other countries to be better, like us.
I can't support anyone who does not believe in our Constitution and thinks it's outdated and flawed. It may not be perfect, but it's the foundation of the greatest country that was ever on this planet.
I can't support anyone who continues to blame their predecessor for ongoing problems, heck, worsening problems, when they've had plenty of time to affect change for the positive and fail to do so. I hope you understand.
Are we better off than we were 4 years ago? Heck no. Here's a post I made in 2008 (http://bit.ly/PHkiY8). Things are worse now than the statistics I mention in that post. Food prices are higher. Gas prices have fluctuated, but are higher. House values are in the toilet. Unemployment?? I'll let this chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics speak to that (click the picture to link to the web site):
Obama gets elected and BAM! Unemployment skyrockets.
Just today, the National Debt has reached $16 TRILLION dollars. Under Obama, the debt has increased more in 4 years than it did under President Bush in 8 years. "If Mr. Obama wins re-election, and his budget projections prove accurate, the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term. That would mean the Debt increased by 87 percent, or $9.34 trillion, during his two terms." (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57400369-503544/national-debt-has-increased-more-under-obama-than-under-bush/)
Who's better off?? I'm not. I could expand on each of those 3 points above, but what I've posted is sufficient.
I can not support Obama. He fails the test.
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