Monday, October 28, 2024


 The left keeps saying that Trump wants to terminate the Constitution.

This is ludicrous.

They point to a post he made on Truth Social on December 3, 2022

While I agree that this was poorly worded, I believe the case can be made that, when taken in context, he was not calling for the termination of the entire Constitution. At best he was calling for the termination of existing rules surrounding elections and creating new ones that limit or eliminate election fraud. There clearly was fraud, and there is in every election. Whether or not the fraud in 2020 was enough to cause him to lose the election is debatable and not the subject of this post.

So, I will agree that Trump said terminating current election rules, even those in the Constitution, could be considered.

And the left is going nuts over this. They are sensationalizing it, trying to convince us he wants to throw out the entire Constitution.

But wait a minute…

Aren’t they the ones screaming we need to do away with the Electoral College? That would be terminating election rules in the Constitution. Many of them have even stated that the Constitution is outdated and needs to be rewritten or eliminated (Obama and others).

They have no grounds to try to point at Trump about such things. Even if Trump did advocate for terminating the Constitution, I would simply say to the Democrats, “Pot, meet Kettle.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Our Democracy! ...?

 How can you vote for anyone that doesn't even know what form of government we have? Do YOU even know what form of government we have??

The left keeps screaming that Trump is "a threat to our democracy! He must be stopped!"

Well wait a minute... "Our democracy"?

We don't have a Democracy. We have a Constitutional Republic. The difference is significant and critical to understand.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,

and to the Republic

for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

"A pure democracy would be a form of government in which the leaders, while elected by the people, are not constrained by a constitution as to its actions. 

In a republic, however, elected officials cannot take away or violate certain rights of the people."

"A democracy is a political system in which the people periodically, by majority, vote at the poll to select rulers. The rulers then have absolute power by majority vote among themselves.

In a Constitutional Republic, the people, also by majority vote among themselves, select rulers who make laws. However, the rulers cannot make any laws they please because the Constitution severely restricts their law-making power."

Democracy: Not constrained by a Constitution. Majority (mob) rule. Rulers, not representatives. Absolute power.

Constitutional Republic: Cannot take away or violate certain rights (Bill of Rights). Power limited and restricted by a Constitution. Representative of the People.

The left wants a Democracy, and they are trying to shape our society into one. They are constantly saying that this election is about Democracy. They want to do away with the Constitution. They want to abolish the Electoral College. They have said so. Google it. If Google will let you.

If they succeed in converting our country to a Democracy, they will ALWAYS be in power and they will ALWAYS trample anyone that doesn't agree with them. They're already doing this to some degree. After all, if you don't agree with them you are "deplorable and weird as hell". And, we'll be one step closer to being a socialist country, which in turn is one step from being communist. Many of the current leaders on the left are communists (whether they'll admit to it or not) and want this country to move in that direction.

Yes, Trump is a "threat to democracy" because he understands the difference. He knows this country is a Constitutional Republic. He understands that a becoming a democracy would essentially silence nearly 50% of the population. Mob rule. The end of liberty and justice for all.